
Mikaela Spielberg has a “porn star career”, and the famous father supports her

Mikaela Spielberg, daughter of director Stephen Spielberg, revealed in the past that she was harassed and assaulted by "monsters" unrelated to her fa

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Mikaela Spielberg, daughter of director Stephen Spielberg, revealed in the past that she was harassed and assaulted by “monsters” unrelated to her family.

According to the “The Independent” newspaper, the 23-year-old announced in a television interview about her mistreatment, and touched on her relationship with her body and her decision to pursue a pornographic career to entertain adults, noting that her father supports her choice.

Consequently, the adult girl hopes to offer some pornographic works publicly or to private clients, and obtain a dance license.

Mikaela Spielberg told The Sun she hopes her career will allow her to become financially independent from her parents, who she say she loves and speaks to regularly.