Common Eye Injuries and Essential Eye Safety


Common Eye Injuries and Essential Eye Safety

Your eyes are complex and contain many small working parts that are easily damaged. Injuries can range from superficial scratches and light bruising t

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Your eyes are complex and contain many small working parts that are easily damaged. Injuries can range from superficial scratches and light bruising to lifelong blindness. Avoiding any eye damage and especially partial or total vision loss, should be the ultimate goal. However, most eye injuries can be easily prevented with careful planning and safety measures, like using safety glasses and other protective gear. Learn more about common eye injuries and essential eye safety.

Common Eye Injuries

Even people who are already partially or wholly blind can suffer eye injuries, so eye safety is essential for everyone. Eye injuries are common because eyes are constantly exposed, and while it might seem like you would see danger coming, you won’t always.

Black Eye

The most common eye injury is what is referred to as a black eye. A black eye gets its name from bruising around the eye area that turns dark. Depending on the nature of the black eye, there might also be painful swelling or cuts that make it difficult to see.

Retinal Detachment

One of the most severe eye injuries is retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is when the eyewall detaches or pulls away from the thin tissue on the back of the eye or the retina. While most retinal detachment occurs due to aging, it can also happen due to a traumatic head injury or blunt force trauma.

Corneal Abrasion

The most underreported eye injury is a corneal abrasion or a scratch on the eye’s cornea. The cornea is the thin, clear layer covering the front of the eye. It is very sensitive to the touch and is often irritated by any interaction. Contact lenses, dust, sand, fur, and other foreign objects can cause intensive irritation. Without wearing safety glasses, certain irritants can enter the eye. If the cornea is already irritated, it is prone to be scratched or scraped. This abrasion can cause side effects including but not limited to eyes that are:

  • Burning
  • Watery
  • Red
  • Painful
  • Sensitive

Essential Eye Safety

Unlike other specific occupational hazards, everyone is at risk for eye damage. However, some particular concerns are riskier than others, and everyone should take the appropriate measures toward protecting their eyes at all costs.

Sports Safety

People who play sports are at an increased risk of eye injuries. It is essential that all sports players wear protective gear to shield their eyes from harm. Some sports do not require safety shields for the eyes. Still, many players opt to wear safety glasses anyway, knowing that black eyes, retinal detachment, and orbital eye socket fractures are common sports-related injuries.

Job Safety

Construction workers are exposed to several potentially dangerous materials daily. They complete some of the most challenging work. Worksite and OSHA-approved safety glasses are essential.

While eye injuries can happen just as easily while at home doing yard work or cleaning the kitchen, the risks increase depending on your environment. Wear the appropriate protective gear, including safety glasses, to protect your eyes and prevent injuries. For an extensive selection of eyewear where safety meets fashion, shop the options at Safety Gear Pro.