
6 Things not to be shared on social media

Social media websites, such as: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, help you to access the latest news of friends and family, stay informed about what i

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Social media websites, such as: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, help you to access the latest news of friends and family, stay informed about what is happening in the world, and also share the details of your life with others.

There is a clear concern about what these websites do with the data that we share with them, as we contribute to providing a lot of information in an indirect way that these websites exploit to direct targeted advertisements that you see on your home page..

Here are 6 things that you should not share on social media:

1- Location data:

In addition of your smartphone that tracks GPS coordinates (GPS), the browser can also get location data based on an your IP address, or login accounts, where you can determine your geographic location to put a tag in your posts that shows your current location.

So before posting on any social network make sure if it pulls your site data automatically, and turn it off before posting, as there is no reason to share your location in every post.

In addition, the photos that you share on social media also contain metadata showing the exact location of the photo taking, which jeopardizes your privacy.

2- Travel plans

Sharing the details of your next trip, such as: a weekend with the family, may be an explicit invitation to thieves to steal your house, as you never know who can see this information and use it improperly.

3- Personal complaints and problems

Social media is definitely not the place to express your personal problems, so if you want to introduce a complaint about your manager, co-workers, or relatives, do not use these websites at all, as you cannot be sure everyone sees these posts.

4- New expensive purchases

Many people like to post pictures of their new toys or purchases on social media, such as: a new phone, laptop, car, TV or something else.

However, publishing such posts can contribute to a personal problem for you in the event that you do not get the expected number of likes or receive negative criticisms, which makes you feel dissatisfied.

5- Posts and competitions that you share

Social networks are important and key places for companies to organize competitions and present gifts to participants, mainly due to the ease of clicking on the (Share) button and not thinking about it twice.

While there are a lot of legal competitions that you can find while browsing, you must think carefully before participating at any time, as these posts appear continuously in the accounts of your followers and may be a nuisance to them which leads to the cancellation of your follow-up.

6- Anything you do not want everyone to see

If there is one rule that you should follow when using social media is: Never post anything you don’t want the whole world to see.

Once you post something on the internet, it is impossible to completely remove it, even if you decide to see your content only for your friends, there is no way to know who actually saw your posts and photos, saved or shared with someone else.

You may post something personal today but you may regret it after two years, of course you can delete it from your account, but you will not be able to completely erase it from the internet, thus avoiding not posting or sharing anything that you do not want everyone to see. In addition, you should never share your address or phone number on these websites.