
The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

On the threshold of a new year and want a year full of success and beauty? So let us show you the 10 most important aesthetic decisions of your s

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On the threshold of a new year and want a year full of success and beauty?

So let us show you the 10 most important aesthetic decisions of your skin for the year 2020 that we have chosen for you carefully and be confident that it is your great way to obtain healthy and wonderful skin for the new year and every year ..

Decision 1:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Do not give up cleaning the skin on a daily basis under any circumstances.

If you don’t want to clean your skin with adequate attention, you must reap the results (blisters, acne, shiny skin, dull complexion).

And therefore we advise you to make a new decision and start cleaning your skin twice a day, and here you must choose the appropriate wash for your skin type on your face.

Enjoy these few minutes by massaging your skin by washing with circular movements, then rinse with lukewarm water.

Decision 2:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Moisturize your skin, whatever its type, on a daily basis

Moisturizing the skin is one of the most important and easiest ways to avoid various skin problems, namely dryness, wrinkles and dark spots.

So I prefer choosing the type of moisturizer first and we advise you not to use the same moisturizer in the morning and evening, as well as choose a moisturizer that contains natural materials.

Decision 3:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Do not leave the house during the day before applying the sunscreen

Sunscreen works to protect your skin from the UV rays that accelerate the aging of the skin and contribute to dry skin and the appearance of blackheads and acne.

Therefore you should not go out during the day without applying sunscreen, and if you love makeup and hate layers, you will find a lot of protection creams The sunless color that dispels you from the foundation and you will find exactly what suits your skin.

Decision 4:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead cells from the skin

If you think peeling is done on occasions only, you are wrong. Gentle exfoliation helps remove dead cells from the skin.

Also, peeling the face contributes to narrowing large pores and thus reducing acne, in addition to opening the skin and reducing dark spots on it.

Facial peeling hides wrinkles and reduces their appearance, and more importantly, facial peeling allows better absorption of creams and handles, so consult your dermatologist about the number of times and the exfoliator is appropriate for that.

Decision 5:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Moisturize your skin from the inside

Moisturizing the skin from the inside is not difficult, by drinking water on a daily basis and in appropriate quantities that you can rid your skin of toxins and make them fresh and bright all the time.

so we advise you to drink water on a daily basis in all seasons and throughout the year, and this matter will return to the health of your skin and your body as well!

Decision 6:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Use each area with its own creams

Applying facial moisturizing creams to an area around the eyes does not help in solving their problems, just as you cannot apply hand and body creams to the face, so we advise you to apply creams for each area to them as indicated in the attached leaflet. This will make you get the best results that you dream of.

Decision 7:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Take a healthy diet in 2020

While fast food contains a lot of sugar that destroys collagen fibers, fast food contains a high percentage of unhealthy fats that increase the secretion of fats on your skin as well and cause the appearance of irritating pills.

On the other hand, a diet that contains fiber, minerals and vitamins is an ally of your skin and body at the same time.

Decision 8:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Include exercise in your daily routine of 2020

Exercise helps increase the pumping of oxygen into the cells of the body and skin, thereby replenishing your skin cells, as well as boosting the collagen production responsible for your youthful skin.

So don’t be stingy on your skin by exercising, even for twenty minutes a day, and you will reap the most amazing results.

Decision 9:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Modify your home environment to improve the quality of your skin

Yes, what you read is true. If you live in an area where you have to use the conditioner permanently, you undoubtedly need to use an air humidifier to prevent drying of your skin.
Just as the presence of plants in your home contributes to improving and filtering the home’s atmosphere, and this helps rid the air and your body of toxins and improve its condition, which reflects positively on your skin.

Decision 10:

The top 10 decisions of 2020 will make your skin more beautiful

Avoid stress and make more positive decisions:

Stress and anxiety increase the secretion of oils on the skin and thus increase the appearance of acne, pimples and blackheads, and that avoiding tension and anxiety reduces the secretion of oils and enhances your immunity