
WHO: the risk of coronavirus turning into epidemic is so near

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom , warned on Monday that the "danger of a pandemic" caused by the emerging Coron

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The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom , warned on Monday that the “danger of a pandemic” caused by the emerging Coronavirus, which has infected more than 110,000 people around the world, has become very real.”.

After the Corunavirus spread, Tedros said at a press conference in Geneva “In many countries, the risk of a pandemic is very real”.

But the Director-General of the World Health Organization At the same time indicated, this “will be the first epidemic in history that can be controlled”.

He added” We must remember that by taking early decisive action, we can slow the Coronavirus and prevent infection,” he said, noting that among the infected, “most of them will recover”.

Of the 80,000 cases reported in China, Adhanom said, more than 70 percent recovered and were discharged from hospitals..

Turning to the situation in Italy, where the disease has spread and the number of deaths increasing, he said: “We are optimistic because Italy is taking strong measures to contain the epidemic, and we hope that these measures will prove effective in the coming days”.

Germany announces the first two deaths by Corona

This came at a time when Germany announced Of her first two deaths from the Coronavirus, according to Reuters.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia said that a 89-year-old woman infected with the virus had died in Essen, and that another patient had died in the Heinsberg region which is experiencing a major outbreak of the disease.

Germany has so far reported 1,112 cases of coronavirus, and the large state of North Rhine-Westphalia is the region most affected by the outbreak.