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SAP Testing: How It Would Be Beneficial For Intelligent Enterprises?

There are two facts to remember about the SAP ecosystem. First, change is the spice of any business. Business users have a habit of dealing with comp

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There are two facts to remember about the SAP ecosystem. First, change is the spice of any business. Business users have a habit of dealing with complex infrastructures and quick releases. Second, the error margin has practically disappeared. Companies are in stress to do more with less. By increasing the test automation, you can reduce testing costs, achieve faster deployments, and experience bug-free production systems.

Intelligent SAP Testing: the one-way to identify defects faster with zero quality compromises.

In this article, you will get the info about:

1. What is SAP Testing?

2. How Can SAP Testing be Beneficial for Intelligent Enterprises?

SAP Testing

SAP testing is similar to software application testing. Here, the application is SAP ERP. So, the process of testing SAP applications or SAP software is called SAP testing. Whenever you make changes in SAP software, it requires the SAP testing companyto create test cases for checking the new functionality in it. SAP testing can cover performance testing to monitor and analyze the speed and performance of SAP applications. It can also include web testing to check SAP web portals.

SAP Testing Benefits for Intelligent Enterprises

#1. SAP testing skills as an advantage:

The SAP testing service provider offers such testing services because they have a testing knowledge and functional knowledge to test different SAP modules. If we talk about other testing projects, then the testing types for SAP can be the same. Still, the big difference is it demands more hard work from the SAP testing company to ensure your migrations, SAP projects, and digital transformation journey will deliver you the best results that you want for your business.

Example: When it comes to testing a Telecom company’s billing system, software testers generate various test cases and perform some functionalities. However, for SAP testing solutions, there can be a similar module, terminology, and functionality. But, everything will start from zero. And, anything if it starts from zero, then the chances are high your SAP testers may face certain complications.

#2. SAP testing is the need for customization:

The Business Process Library (BPL) in SAP test data migration server (TDMS) is a specific SAP business process. You can use this library to transfer the data from the sender system to the receiver system. While migration, some internal processes can cause mapping issues when using the available SAP business transactions. In those cases, custom codes may apply to create files, programs, and custom reports. But remember, there is no limit for SAP customization and development.

Endless codes can be created for customizing the software features. But, it doesn’t mean it is entirely risk-free. SAP customization also requires testing to prevent business operations from unwanted attacks. You can hire SAP testers to test the application before and after making any changes in it. They can help you gain real-time insights and give you a brief understanding of actions that you can take to avoid risks without affecting quality.

#3. SAP implementation methodologies:

SAP testing performs with multitudes of methodologies. For example:

  • ASAP implementation (it is the initial implementation of SAP systems and legacy systems porting).
  • Lifecycle Maintenance.
  • Lifecycle Upgradation.
  • Custom development life cycle.

Based on your requirements, you can execute any lifecycle with three main testing phases.

  1. Test Preparation: It covers manual and automated test case development, test suites creation, and reviews. It helps you identify the business process that you need to test. During this phase, you can set up a test system with test data to fulfill different guidelines.
  2. Test Execution: Test executes either manually or using test tools. It is necessary to know for defect handling and test status reporting.
  3. Test Evaluation: It covers defect analysis, detailed assessment of test plans, and testing process documentation.

#4. Availability of test types for SAP applications

SAP testing solutions are beneficial due to the available options of different test types.

Standard testing for SAP applications is as follows.

Unit Testing: Unittesting in SAP is the process of testing the SAP system’s functionality with its components. The leading SAP testing company has white box testers that perform this type of test for different business domains. They are proficient in testing conversions, reports, workflows, interfaces, and forms developed with ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) codes. With ABAP coding, they can help you detect and protect bugs from the software. They test the development object that includes data transfer rules, batch scheduling, security authorization, and reconciliation.

Integration Testing: Hire SAP testersfor integration testing for combining SAP applications’ components. The integration test aims to ensure that the functions of your app are working fine. It uses real test data and gets the test done in the QA environment.

Regression Testing: The SAP testing serviceproviderconsiders regression testing to ensure that the new changes’ implementation doesn’t affect the existing code structure. Regression tests can execute in the SAP when necessary to find new functionalities or update the system with previous functions.

Performance Testing: Performance testing in SAP ensures that the application will perform well under different load conditions. It covers volume, stress, and load testing to understand system bottlenecks. With the performance test, you can improve the responsiveness of SAP applications. It helps in system deployment and causes zero post-production issues when done the test carefully.

Functional Testing: Functional testing is a part of SAP testing services offered by the software testing companies to meet the different and unique business requirements. SAP system is highly configurable. It can integrate with CRM applications, in-house apps, or other third-party tools.

User Acceptance Testing: UAT (User-acceptance testing) is involved in the testing process after completing regression and functional testing. The purpose of UAT testing is to ensure the more usability of your SAP system for end-users. The end-users conduct the user experience test cases. They check the features, business processes, and documentation of the system. Based on users’ satisfaction and likings, they increase their involvement in the app and use it comfortably.

Security Testing: Security testing is a must for SAP applications. It helps address a wide range of issues that occur in the system. It involves infrastructure, database, development, and test teams to provide security to networks, operating systems, SAP portals, and other areas that pose a risk of hacking and cyber-attacks.

Portal Testing: SAP testing solutionsare needed to make the SAP portals compatible with different browsers. It helps to check portal objects, portal links (URLs), and log files. SAP portal automation testing can take place to remove browser cache files. It can test PCD object locking, JCO RFC destination, and system objects properties of clients.

#5: SAP test cases to create a win-win situation:

The SAP testing service providercreates test cases to perform a check on configuration and the installation of SAP applications. From real-time, device testing, multi-language, new implementation to intranet testing, various test cases are required to create a win-win situation with SAP testing.

The effective test cases cover:

  • Robust test coverage.
  • Careful reviewing.
  • Positive and negative test scenarios.
  • Identification of SAP roles used to execute the desired test cases.
  • Scope analysis of all implementations and configuration parts.
  • Document defects for discoverability.


Intelligent enterprises can’t survive without using advanced technologies, integrated business processes, and agile-based practices. This is something that offers more profits and sustainability in business.

Undoubtedly, SAP provides future-proof cloud ERP solutions to experience a profitable business in India and globally. Yet, to avoid repeatability and bugs in the system, SAP testing is desirable due to the predictable nature and cost benefits. It assures that the SAP implementation meets the organization-specific current compliance criteria and helps businesses run all modules as per their expectation.

Author Bio:  Claire Mackerras is a Senior QA Engineer & Editor associated with Bugraptors. A CMMi5 certified company providing QA services globally. She is passionate about writing on technological trends for manual & automation software testing.  She likes to share her knowledge, for the readers who are interested in exploring testing tact’s and trends.