
To Invest in a Qualified Business Plan is a Fundamental Strategy

Before you start reading any arguments about why you should have a super professional Business Plan for your new venture, you might as well first ta

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Before you start reading any arguments about why you should have a super professional Business Plan for your new venture, you might as well first take a look at those lean statistics.

Only 400 out of 40.000 new ventures are funded by Venture Capitalists (VCs).

Only about 4.000 ideas reach the pre-business plan stage.

Only 400 entrepreneurs have available some kind of business plan.

Only 40 out of them receive some funding by business angels or any other sources.

Statistics also tell us that there is more money looking for good projects than vice versa. Why then is it so difficult to raise money?

It is all about investing on a qualified Business Plan.

This is a methodical first step that leads to the anticipated Fundings.

Your Business Plan is your “road map” of your enterprise and shows you where you want to go. It is to become your checking list to follow up, the same way an orderly routined pilot does, before taking off his plane.

As Henry Kissinger remarkably said: “If you do not know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere

Why let Professionals Prepare A Business Plan for you?

  • They have the skills to detect the investors’ preferences.
  •     Have the experience to eliminate mistakes.
  •     Define and focus your objectives.
  • Can uncover overlooks and weaknesses in your planning process. This will help you to build up an overview of your business idea. They also prepare you to give a thought to the potential investor’s unexpected questions.
  • Guide you to avoid common mistakes.
  • Create a meaningful content which is expected by professional investors who recognize generic phrases, created from business plan software. They compile for you a convincing content that covers from hard to find market research to articulating the value of your message.
  • They free up your valuable time. Instead of collecting material, gathering market research, writing creating drafts and revising, it would be better used working on your business.

Professionals model your business:

    They teach you how to both create and communicate true value to potential customers, suppliers, employees and even investors.

    They formulate a start up strategy which will minimize the capital needed to launch your company.

    You have only one chance with many investors. They help you make it count and stand out.

Who qualifies for Venture Capital today?

Ask yourself the hard question if you have what it takes to turn your vision to reality. Your business idea, as good as it may be, will mean nothing if it is not backed up by your entrepreneurial skills. For Venture Capitalists are like winning horse track gamblers, they bet on the jockey not on the horse.


Market Research

Author Bio

Elsa Hedenberg has an extensive experience in consumer products marketing and has a degree in consumer’s psychology. Has published business articles in business magazines, in Swedish and English.