
Why You Should Outsource Your Inspections

Safety and security have never been more important in public buildings and private premises alike. Imagine a world where such an immense and imperati

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Safety and security have never been more important in public buildings and private premises alike. Imagine a world where such an immense and imperative obligation is taken care of for you. After all, everyone could use one less thing to think about. The great news is that it is more than possible to let someone else take care of this for you, and if you act now and hire an independent systems expert to manage every aspect of your vertical transportation systems throughout your building, it could highly benefit you.

Whether you are the manager of a public or private property, the owner of an office building or medical facility, or whether you are responsible for one or several different premises, hiring a trusted advisor is the only way to ensure safety and security for both employees and customers. Here are five reasons why outsourcing your inspections is the only way to ensure your building is safe, secure, and up-to-date with industry regulations and directives.

1.   It’s What Regulators Demand

The United States Department of Labor detail the stringent, unswerving, and ever-changing requirements you must adhere to with many aspects of your building, such as all your vertical transportation systems. In an industry that constantly reviews and subsequently updates its standards and requirements frequently, take the pressure and burden away by letting an independent expert ensure all your systems are up-to-date with every regulation and state law.

2.   Inspections Scheduled For You

Sticking with the previous example of inspecting your vertical transportation systems, with a trusted advisor such as ATIS elevator inspections, you and your company will never miss another inspection deadline again. This, however, applies to all business inspections. Safe in the knowledge your systems are being stringently and very regularly inspected and maintained, you are free to devote your time to the copious other responsibilities you naturally have as a building owner.

3.   24/7 Access To All Inspection Data

With dedicated customer portals, any information and all certificates for your building’s systems are accessible 24/7, anywhere, anytime. This flexibility and accessibility ensure you will never be penalized for failure to supply legal documents and required documentation on time.

Any questions and queries you are confronted with are solved quickly, efficiently, and instantaneously when you outsource your inspections.

4.   Strategic Repairs Before A Problem Intensifies

With an independent, trusted advisor looking after your entire internal vertical transportation systems within your structure, expensive and intricate failures, breakdowns, and faults are addressed and resolved swiftly and efficiently. This ensures your maintenance costs are kept to a minimum, and the upkeep of each individual system will always be a matter of top priority.

5.   Reduce Your Total Cost Of Ownership

Like any business owner, one if not the most important aspect of management is that of being as cost-effective as possible. With a trusted advisor overseeing all your systems, process, and equipment and ensuring all are regularly inspected, reviewed, and repaired, the total cost of ownership inevitably drastically reduces.

Don’t let your standards descend below what is now not only expected but commanded. Uplift your building’s safety systems to the highest criteria by hiring a trusted and expert advisor. Outsourcing your inspections is the best way to guarantee diligence.